Donation by Eden-Emmanuel Williams 

Eden-Emmanuel Williams donated 13 copies of her book for distribution to the 13 Parish Library Networks.

She is an 8-year-old storyteller and author of the children’s book, “The Little Girls and The Cave“. The grade 3 student has been featured on Smile Jamaica TVJ and has had her stories published in Mishou Magazine, a children’s publication in New York. Eden wants her stories to reach as many children across Jamaica. She has since been donating copies to children’s homes and now to the Jamaica Library Service.

Her message, “Black children should know they can do anything and be anything”.

What an Awesome achievement.  As a young author, the Jamaica Library Service congratulates the Author for her achievement. We extend best wishes to Eden-Emmanuel Williams and we welcome future donations to support the collection in our libraries.
Eden- Emmanuel Williams, Author, conducted readings from her book entitled "The Little Girls and the Cave" during the Photo-op held on June 10, 2022 at the Jamaica Library Service Headquarters.
Eden- Emmanuel Williams , Author (Left) presenting 13 copies of her book "The Little Girls and the Cave" to the Miss Maureen Thompson, Director General, Jamaica Library Service (Right) at the Photo-op at the Jamaica Library Service Headquarters on June 10, 2022.
The Author, Eden- Emmanuel Williams (Left) highlighting sections of her book to Miss Maureen Thompson, Director General, Jamaica Library Service (Right) at the Photo op held at the Jamaica Library Service Headquarters on June 10, 2022.
Table with display of the author's book entitled "The Little Girls and the Cave" by Eden-Emmanuel Williams